Monday, February 10, 2020

February 10-12

This Week at School
Monday10th, Tuesday11th & Wednesday12th - regular school days
Wednesday 12th - Valentine's Day Card Share *optional / Grade 2/4 Talent Show 1pm
Thursday 13th & Friday 14th - NO SCHOOL ON THESE DAYS - Teacher Convention
Monday 17th - Family Day - No school

Last week we were working on pulling important information from stories:
-3 events
-juicy words
We worked as a whole class, partners and individually. We will continue to work on this and see how the students are able to improve on pulling out important information. This can be practiced with books at home.

Monthly Reading
Please bring agendas with the January calendar so that we can add up our minutes for the month. 

Writing- India Stories
Students continue to work on the editing cycle in order to enhance their writing into a polished piece of work. This process includes many mini conferences with peers as well as myself. The stories are intentionally written to demonstrate students' learning of India through intentional setting, events, problem and solution and of course vocabulary! As we have just finished learning about Jan Brett and her ability to tell the story through images in a border, we will be adding our own border to the India stories. Stay tuned for the final project!

Word Work


We continue to work on multiplication and the different ways we can think and write about multiplication. Please practice multiplication times tables for 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 and 11. Students can play games using dice and cards to practice their facts.

Field Trips
I will be looking for volunteers that are able to be very hands on in helping students completing tasks as well as guiding and delivering learning to small groups. I have been asked to give lots of notice for upcoming field trips so that people can make arrangements. A reminder that you need to have a completed security check with the CBE as well as a completed volunteer session with Donna Diaz at Auburn Bay in order to volunteer. Please e-mail me directly if you are able to volunteer for either or both of these opportunities. Once I have confirmed volunteers (you will be chosen as either a volunteer or an alternate if someone can no longer attend) I will e-mail  out the lists to everyone involved.

April 6th - Glenbow Museum for two programs; Rock Cycle and Our World, and What is this? (looking at story telling through artifacts).

May 14th - Calgary Zoo for two programs - Scutes, Scales and Slime and Teacher Guided Tour of the Savannah including artifacts.

We are also trying to book a Telus Spark trip. There is a bus available for May 28th and 14th which we can take advantage of. My first choice is the 28th, but I will let you know how it goes.