
Homework at Auburn Bay School 2019/20 Grade 3

Homework in the Calgary Board of Education is regulated by Administrative Regulation 3066 - Homework. 

In Grade 3 it is recommended that families set aside 5 -10 minutes each evening for home study.  Home study may consist of: 

- Reading

- Math: Practice of basic facts. Students in Grade 3 should be able to recall addition and subtraction facts to 18, and will learn multiplication and division facts to 5 X 5. 

- Completing unfinished school work

- Gathering artifacts or information to support school study. For example, students may be asked to bring in something that represents their family or to complete a questionnaire.  

-Homework may be given as a hard copy or posted on the class website. Students should be doing no more than 10 minutes total of homework practice each night. 

Words of the Week- each week we will be working on a group of words and the patterns within them. (Week one the long a, week two long e, week three long i) Please have students notice words around them and what patterns they can find.

-Coding- we are starting our coding within the website www.code.org the students will be learning how to access and navigate this site. Later we will move into Scratch. Both of these are free and accessible from home.